Job Seekers Want More Today. Employers Should ALWAYS Invest in Quality!

Are looking for a new job?  Does your current place of employment no longer excite you?

Maybe it never did.  Or, possibly what was advertised wasn't exactly the reality you go into each day.

There is a big difference between a job where you trade your time for a paycheck, and a place that values you and excites you.  A place where you feel you are making a real difference in your life and the lives of others.

Don't settle for trading your time for a paycheck.  We only have so much time and can never get it back!

As valuable as you are, you should always be investing in yourself and you should look for an employer who does the same.  Hiring bonuses and hype around 'find a new career' isn't about you, it's about a company trying to fill an empty slot.  So look for more.  Look beyond the signing bonus.  What happens next?  What is that employer doing every single day to help you feel fulfilled and to increase your professional value.

Why would they do this?  Simple...

Take a look at the infographic we put together that contains a few more interesting facts about Mentorship programs and also Mentorship here at Harlan Foods.

If you would like to know more about open positions and opportunities for growth here at Harlan Foods, click here.

Did you know Harlan Foods feeds 1 in 10 Americans?  If you are interested in learning about the wide variety of foods we make which make their ways to grocery, club stores and quick serve restaurants around the country every single day, click here.

If you would like to hear from one of our Mentors, you can hear his advice by clicking here.












Hope is a word every employer...and employee should know.

Hope.  According to the dictionary, the word 'hope' has three meanings.

  1. A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
  2. A feeling of trust.
  3. To want something to happen or be the case.

What does the word 'hope' have to do with jobs?  Simple!  For team members to find satisfaction in their tasks and roles, they should have hope that they will have opportunities to grow, explore and try new things.  In other words, employees want to be challenged, find success, feel rewarded by seeing what they do come to life in some way.

Employees should hope that their employers and team members care about their well-being, desire to grow and to perform.  Employers should care about clearly communicating the mission and purpose of what's being done and even the why behind what is being done!

As an employee, understanding this and then having the opportunity to choose how you as a participant can add value to the cause, mission and even improve yourself along the way seems pretty important.  Having that gives hope that what you do has meaning beyond the paycheck.

You can get a paycheck anywhere.

So, ask yourself.  What do you hope for in your work life?

As you think about this, here are a few things about Harlan that might align with what you are hoping for in your work life.

Each day, we feed one in 10 Americans. 

If we were to shut down all of our food production, a number of grocery store shelves and freezer cases across the country would quickly go empty.  Restaurant patrons would be disappointed to learn that many of their favorite items were not available.  Providing families and communities with safe, nutritious, delicious and affordable food is important.  This is our mission and our promise every day.


Our team members are professionals in the truest sense of the word.

We invest in training team members, just like every other employer.  However, we go a step further.  We provide all of our employees with a comprehensive continuing education program as part of our SAFE initiative.  SAFE stands for Standards Based, Accountability Driven, Food Excellence.  Under SAFE, each employee can achieve either an AFP or CFP certification.  These industry leading certifications mean Harlan team members are the best of the best in food manufacturing.  We take great pride in doing things well.

We motivate, coach and inspire.

Studies have shown that companies which provide mentorship programs produce happier, more productive team members who advance faster.  As part of SAFE, Harlan has rolled out a comprehensive Mentorship program to assist our Apprentice Food Professionals (new employees) grow and thrive during their first 100 days.  This program not only benefits our Apprentice Food Professionals but also the Mentors who get a great deal of satisfaction and even performance compensation for ensuring the success of the Apprentices they work with.  It is our way of providing certainty that new employees are successful in their roles.

Finding what you love.

As part of SAFE, Harlan has developed workplace simulations which allow prospective employees to explore and understand all of the various departments, teams and tasks found within Harlan.

This gives the job-seeker the opportunity to find what they are interested in or tasks which align with their personal skills.  The job simulation also provides individuals who might not find food manufacturing for them an opportunity to quickly understand this and adjust their job search.  Harlan wants to ensure that every new Apprentice says "I love this" instead of 'This isn't what I expected."

So, what do you hope for in your work life?  A better job?  A promotion?  More pay?  Better benefits?  Sure.  All of those things are important.  You should work to make sure these things are available to you.

However, maybe there is something else.  Having a real purpose in what you do.

Does feeding families across North America every day give your inspiration?  Does achieving professional accreditation which tells others you are at the top of your profession?  How about being mentored by other professionals or perhaps having others look up to you for help and inspiration as a mentor?

How about finding a work environment and role that aligns with your personal sense of purpose?

This is what our team at Harlan can offer.  If you like the sound of it, reach out and say hello.  We'd love to meet you.

On the home page you will find a link to our open positions, or drop us a message in our contact form.  We'll get in touch with you quickly and work to find you a role you can be passionate about as a Harlan Food Manufacturing Professional.

Why we love what we do

Harlan team members are passionate about their mission and purpose.  Regardless of their role, each Harlan Food Professional is critical to ensuring that Harlan delivers on its promise to feed America.  Today, one in ten Americans rely on Harlan Foods for safe, nutritious and delicious food.

See what a member of our Sanitation team members have to say about the role they play in helping to deliver on this promise.


Tammi is a former Emergency Room nurse who recently re-located from Florida.  She finds an overlap in her role here at Harlan and her hospital work.  See what Tammy has to say about her role at Harlan by clicking here.

Harlan Foods team is made up of a wide variety of skills supporting an equally wide variety of departments and roles.  Harlan's Food Professionals represent an equally wide variety of backgrounds and cultures.  Vietnam, Burma, Afghanistan, Mexico, Canada, India, China among others are all nationalities which make up our family.

We find our strength in our diversity and also our common bond in the passion we have for making safe, quality food for our friends and neighbors.  Many of our team have found their forever home.

One of our forklift drivers, Austin has found his forever home at Harlan

Over 20% of our team has been with Harlan over a decade and numerous team members have been with Harlan since its inception.

Several of Harlan's team have been with the company since day one-over 30 years.


If this resonates with you and you want want to join Sammy, Tammi and the rest of the Harlan team in a career as a certified Harlan Food Professional, click on this link to get started.  We look forward to having you as part of our growing family.



Being Good at Your Job Can Be Very Rewarding

Harlan wants to recognize and congratulate James Murphy on his success as a Harlan Foods mentor. James is a Champion-Level Certified Harlan Food Professional who is one of our Employee Mentors.

Studies have shown that over 85% of employees involved in mentorship programs indicate they are happier and more successful in their roles.

Each new employee has the opportunity to enter into Harlan's Mentorship program prior to receiving their Harlan Foods AFP Food Professional Certification.

James recently graduated his first mentee and his team was on hand to recognize his success. Congratulations James!

Harlan Foods is one of a number of leading companies such as General Electric, Caterpillar and Intel Corporation who believe investing in the success and well-being of their employees through a mentor program pays dividends for both the employee and the company.

Harlan is committed to our employees well being and success.

If you are interested in learning more about Harlan’s mentor program, please click here.

If you are interested in James' advice on how to be successful as a Food Manufacturing Professional, please click here.

Harlan Foods currently has a limited number of employment opportunities open for new applicants.  If you are interested in joining Harlan's fast track to success, growth, better pay, benefits and career advancement, click here.

6 Insider Tricks to Getting a Better Job

Insider Job Tips from a Certified HR Professional

Our HR Director Rebecca Ehsan, PHR, SHRM-CP is a Human Resources insider with a load of practical knowledge on how to assess an employer and the questions you should ask before talking a job.  Each week, Rebecca's team interviews dozens of candidates for one of Harlan Foods open AFP (Apprentice Food Professional) classes.

You can see the first episode here.

Harlan Class of New Hires learning a job

A recent class of Harlan Foods Apprentices going through job shadowing

New hires go through on-boarding, mentorship and training as a group, or a class.  This way, new employees have a group of peers to better support them.

There are a lot of jobs open but like employers they are all not created equal. What looks good on the surface might not be what you thought 6 months later. Don't waste your important time in the wrong job!

Take a look at this helpful video and learn from the insights Rebecca shares!

Let's break down Rebecca's advice here:

Career Advancement Tip #1

Look for an organization that is growing.  Ask this question of your prospective employer.  This helps to better understand what opportunities for personal growth and upward mobility exist with that company.


In the past 3 years, Harlan Foods has nearly doubled its size.


Career Advancement Tip #2

Look for job stability.  Steer clear of firms where the majority of the open positions are tied to seasonal fluctuations or temporary positions.  Look for firms that are classified as 'Essential Employers'.


None of Harlan Foods positions are seasonal or temporary.  Harlan Foods is an Essential Employer.

Career Advancement Tip #3

Look for employers with an active mentorship program.  Ask for details about the program.


Less than 1/3 of employers have a mentorship program.  87% of employees who participate in mentorship programs have higher job satisfaction and receive higher pay.


Career Advancement Tip #4

Look for employers who can demonstrate they reward employees who proactively step up, perform and lead.


Harlan Mentors are volunteers who go through advanced training and are well compensated for their mentee's success.   Harlan Foods has several similar programs that reward employees beyond base pay.


Career Advancement Tip #5

Look for organizations that have a learning driven, team oriented culture.


Harlan Foods has a wide variety of training and educations programs designed to engage employees and provide the tools and knowledge required for greater job satisfaction and upward mobility.  This includes Harlan's SAFE program (Standards Based, Accountability Driven, Food Excellence) and Harlan Food Manufacturing Professional Certifications.


Career Advancement Tip #6

Make sure the employer isn't just using the word 'career' to attract your attention.  There is a big difference between a career and a job.  Career means a consistent path of employment in an area of specialty or consistent employment with a single employer who affords you growth and advancement opportunities.


Over 20% of Harlan employees have been with the company for a decade or more.  Most team leads and supervisors have risen to their management posts from entry level jobs.  Harlan Foods promotes from within.


Career Advancement Tip #7

Invest in yourself.


Harlan Foods career paths are documented.  We promote from within.