It's pretty simple really. Yes.
You can determine if your workplace has a good culture by asking yourself a few simple questions.
If you answered 'no' to any of these questions, then your workplace might not have the best culture. And, if any of these things are important to you, you might want to look for a new job.
Why? Today, you can find a job pretty much anywhere you want. You can always find a place to make money. You can't get the time you waste in a dead end job back though. Never waste your time in a dead end job with an employer that doesn't care about you. Never. You are worth more.
Building a positive culture takes time and isn't easy, especially when there are a lot of employees who are from diverse backgrounds. The thing you want to look for in an employer is are they committed to constantly improving culture along with business performance?
The team at Harlan Foods realizes how important a positive culture and workplace is. We have launched a number of programs designed to grow and expand the well-being of our team of Food Professionals. Yes, we call our employees 'Food Professional' because that is what they are. Each week, we feed 1 in 10 Americans with safe, nutritious and delicious food. Only professionals can do that.
Here are some of the programs we have launched for our team's well-being and success:
In the first half of 2023, we are launching even more programs designed to improve the welfare, happiness and satisfaction of our team. They are our greatest asset. As a family run company, our commitment to this cause is in part why 20% of our workforce has been with us ten years or more.
We'd thought we would share a few pictures of a day at Harlan. If you like what you see and are looking for a better opportunity, then give us an opportunity to share with you what Harlan is all about.